This is probally the Shoot i am most unpleased with personally, i really dont think they came out right, i am definatly going to have to rethink my approach to it, i think the lighting is what has messed it up for me, too dark of a background on some, too light on others and the chess peicies being too close togeather. So i will definatly be redoing this shoot before the handin date.
The Black and White toned ones i dont think work, i might just keep it in colour, or just make the chess peices in black and white, and the background in colour. It would keep with the 'seeing in black and white' feel then with my Ally and Enemy twist to it.

I actally love the colours in this one, the slight green tint really plays off the cream and brown of the chess peices, Thats something else i really need to figure out and that is which chess peices i am going to use, which one makes you automatically think of 'chess' for this one i tried the queen, i think it could work if there was a little more head room.

I do like the perspective and tonal range of this one, the black and white actally works and you also get a sense of it being chess with the prawns and checkered board.

As i said i fell this was one of my weakest shoots out of the three and am going to have to seriously have a think and redo it later today or possibly tomorrow.
You can't win them all huh?
I'll have you updated sooner or later, stay tuned.
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