Tuesday 9 October 2007

Juxtaposition Ideas

Welcome to Through my eyes, the personal blog of designer Joseph Eshmade.

For my first post in these niftly little blog of mine i am going to talk about a breif i've just started which is Juxtaposition, to produce three photo manipulations of a specific saying. They are Silence is Deafening, Seeing in black and white and also Blowing hot and cold.

For those that didnt know:
Main Entry: jux·ta·po·si·tion
Function: noun
the act or an instance of placing two or more things side by side; also :the state of being so placed

When i first started to mind map these sayings, i found out that it was going to require a little more thought than i first imagined, it was alot harder to think of diffrent ideas apart from the most obvious ones that have probally been done 100's of times before, i so started to take my mind maps onto further tangents and seeing if i could relate them back to the topic.

i have only been working on this project for about a day, i have only a handful of ideas so far for each of the subject.

Ill update this after i have developed my ideas generated via my mind maps which will be when i have a final idea in mind and how i will be able to achive it effectivly.


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