Final idea's
Blowing hot and cold

The idea for this one was to have a cigarette in a block of ice, I would also light the cigarette so it looks like the ice is burning from within kinda thing, not sure how i am going to go about it just yet, weather i should actually going to freeze it with the ice or if i am going to digitally put it in afterwards. obviously i would have to put the fire in digitally because i couldn't exactly put a a lit cigarette in ice huh?
Silence is deafening

Would you be talking if you found someone murdered or whom had committed suicide? i didn't think so, That is what i based this idea around, the silence there would be in such a situation, i am wanting to create a very eerie feel for this peice, i have not yet decided if i am going to shoot from a birds eye view or if i am going to do it from a low distorted angle with the person closest to the camera, i have someone in mind who i want to do this photo with and i think he's available next wednesday for us to have a go with it.
Seeing in Black and White

Ally.. Enemy.. You can't really get much more black and white than that can you? I chose to represent this with a game everyone knows and loves and that is a Chess board, the classic ally and enemy scene played out on a checkered board. The angle is what is going to be important with this one, i will HAVE to make sure i light it properly as well, i am more than likely going to use my macro lens for this one but it might distort the background too much in the process and i might have to settle for the standard lens.

The idea for this one was to have a cigarette in a block of ice, I would also light the cigarette so it looks like the ice is burning from within kinda thing, not sure how i am going to go about it just yet, weather i should actually going to freeze it with the ice or if i am going to digitally put it in afterwards. obviously i would have to put the fire in digitally because i couldn't exactly put a a lit cigarette in ice huh?
Silence is deafening

Would you be talking if you found someone murdered or whom had committed suicide? i didn't think so, That is what i based this idea around, the silence there would be in such a situation, i am wanting to create a very eerie feel for this peice, i have not yet decided if i am going to shoot from a birds eye view or if i am going to do it from a low distorted angle with the person closest to the camera, i have someone in mind who i want to do this photo with and i think he's available next wednesday for us to have a go with it.
Seeing in Black and White

Ally.. Enemy.. You can't really get much more black and white than that can you? I chose to represent this with a game everyone knows and loves and that is a Chess board, the classic ally and enemy scene played out on a checkered board. The angle is what is going to be important with this one, i will HAVE to make sure i light it properly as well, i am more than likely going to use my macro lens for this one but it might distort the background too much in the process and i might have to settle for the standard lens.
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