Monday, 3 November 2008

Extended Techniques - Action-Script 3 Week Two

This week was all about random maths and more complicated things like if statements. these were quite new to me compared to week one but it still all made sense to me, some people were having a bit of trouble with the pervious weeks.

When i tried to do the work this week i think i bit off more an i could chew, i could get the random dice to work properly but the problem was getting things to happen when the counter reached a specific place on the screen. 

I went back to this after getting in touch with our lecture Liz and had another go and went even further with it, i had fixed the problems that had been plaguing me before hand and i was loving it, Im not one that usually lasts long doing something if i get stuck so for me staying with it and working out the problems was a great successes.

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